The culture of Ethipopia dates back more than 3,000 years ago. Ethiopia is a state in which there are many ethnicities. there are 83 different langueages in which four language groups are dominent Semetic, Cushitic, Omotic, and Nilo-Saharan. Dialects are varied as well including 200 different dialects. There are around 80 million people in Ethiopia in which Oromo amount to 25.5 million or 34.5%. Amhara amount to 19.8 million or 26.9%. Somali amount to 4.5 million or 6.2%. Tigre amount 4.4 million or 6.1%. The clothing worn by Ethiopian also have differences the christian peasentry have worn white cotton cloth men wear long jodhpur like trousers, tights shirts, and shamma or loose wrap. The muslims of Harar are different in that they include many colors in their style of dressing men wear shortish trousers and a coloured wrap. Woman in contrast wear dresses red, purple, or black. The Somali and Afar also wear cotton wraps which are coloured brightly. Oromo and Bale wear clothing acoording to their economy and that reflect it so they choose to wear leather garments decorated by beads. The identification of the different groups is based on jewelry worn, the hair styles, and the embroidery of dresses. Music is a big tradition in Ethiopia as well, the massinko is one of these instruments. It was a one string violin played with a bow. The krar was a six stringed lyre was played by fingers or plectrum. The negant was drums and the washint was a flute. There are many more instruments as well. The massinko delivers many melodies and is usually played by wandering minstreels. They play near the dinner houses entertaining everyone who is eating. The negarit is played at marches as well. 



